We had to get a soil check, and thankfully its good sandy soil with no clay, so we needed no special piling. The land is at a slope so it was wither a raised front, and level back or visa versa. As you can see the back of the house is dug in slightly.
We had some issue with the drainage, which is lesson number one, make sure the drainage exists when you buy a plot, of and also if it does exist that you can reach it with the correct drop.
Works out that the drainage we were meant to tie into couldnt be used, but the nearest other drainage point was too high, according to the Utilities plan. Anyway with a little insistence the Utilities guys came out and we lifted the lid on the drain, and found it was a meter deeper than shown on the plan, and also there was a run off going towards our land.
With a little more digging we found where the drainage point came into the land, and with luck on our side we then just had the correct drop to make it all work.
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